BBQ Cook Teams - What you need to know
Cook teams,
Please read carefully - Send any questions via text to 512.948.6404. This information is for all teams competing at Smoke & Sounds on November 3rd and 4th, 2023.
ALL IBCA RULES APPLY. Please visit the IBCA web site for rules and additional information. There will be no ancillaries at this event.
Breakfast Tacos and Coffee will be provided on site on Saturday morning at 8:30 am. Please visit the Wagyu on Wheels Food Truck for Free Breakfast!
Check in and load in begins at 4 pm November 3rd. It's possible we might get the parking lot sooner, and we will communicate out if we do. Anyone that arrives or picks your spot before our official check-in begins may be asked to move. We reserve the right to move early arrivers.
Late arrivals who have not pre-registered are NOT guaranteed a spot in the competition.
Site selection is at the discretion of Smoke & Sounds and is limited to designated spots. Please work with us to enforce the 36x20 site rules
No Glass or Weapons are allowed on the property. Crossover an the Fieldhouse at the Crossover could lose their liquor license and/or insurance if glass or weapons are found onsite. Participants agree at check-in to hold Partners4People harmless for any activity related to this rule including cancellation of your registration and removal from the property.
Volunteers will be wearing black Partners4People t-shirts. Please work with our team to assure a great event.
The Fieldhouse at the Crossover is open until midnight. Please come in to enjoy the Bar, Food trucks, and what they have playing on the big screen.
Each team signed up will receive 4 wristbands to Smoke & Sounds. Additional general admission or VIP tickets can be purchased here.
Your wristbands get you access to:
- Backstage access for turn-ins
- Bathrooms
- Fieldhouse lawn for live music and results
- Silent auction & Raffle
- Food trucks and other Festival vendors
There are trash bins at each end of the event site, as well as metal trash bins throughout the site. Please deposit all trash in these bins and DO NOT leave trash or anything hot at your site as you leave.
No teams are authorized to stay over Saturday night. Don't ask.
Bathrooms at available inside the event site next to the stage and Judging tent.
Head Cook and Judge meeting and tray pickup will be inside the venue in the Judges tent (look for sign) Both begin at 6:30 pm on Friday November 3rd.